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Dragonfly Percussion Micro Wand (RBI-MW)

Dragonfly Percussion


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This listing comes with one Dragonfly Mallet.

Designed in collaboration with sound healer and musician Benjamin Irons, this new line of singing bowl mallets brings innovative new designs and modern materials to the world of singing bowls. With new and varied timbres and ergonomic designs, these mallets will help both casual and expert singing bowl players elevate their practice.

The Dragonfly Percussion Micro Wand is designed to get your smallest metal bowls singing. This micro-wand rings a bright, clear tone on bowls that most sound healers would deem "unsingable."

"This is my go-to wand for drones on tranquility bells and small cup bowls. I don't use many 2-3" singing bowls, and this is the only way to sing them. Easy-peezy, tranquility-zy." - Benjamin Irons

If you're looking for new mallets for your sound healing toolkit, this series of mallets is great for spiritual healers, sound therapists, yoga instructors and anyone working with singing bowls in their mindfulness practice.

Mallet Measurements:
Total Length: 10"
Handle Length: 7"
Handle Diameter: 3/8"
Head Length: 4"
Head Diameter: 5/8"

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